Safety at any facility's parking lot comes in several forms to help prevent unnecessary accidents involving drivers or pedestrians who transverse upon a parking lot daily.  Well defined crosswalks assist drivers and pedestrians in alerting one another so they may reach their destination without incident.  Pavement markings additionally helps direct traffic flow assisting drivers in safely maneuvering through the parking lot.  

A well measured and painted parking lot aids in the decrease of unintentional damages like a car door dinging another vehicle, fender benders or other accidents, mounting frustration from traffic jams as well as fire department issues and having their vehicles towed. Pour design or maintenance of pavement markings could place the property owner at risk for liability in the event of an accident or fire.

According to National Safety Council, more than 50,000 auto accidents, 60,000 injuries and 500 deaths are reported in parking lots every year. These accidents expose property owners to potential premises liability claims.

Well defined visible parking lot markings and staying up-to-date with fire codes and ADA compliance are the easiest ways to avoid those types of problems.

Our mission is to provide safety precautions for everyone who enters your parking area. Allow us to spray the lines in your parking area to help prevent accidents by keeping you compliant with the law.